05 November 2012


It has certainly been a while, but today has got me itchin and a scratchin to blog. I recently went on a shopping excursion, in order to re-vamp my wardrobe. Anyone who knows me knows this: I rarely go shopping and when I do "I GO BANANAS". This is not to admit to an uninhibited obsession, but a well known fact. I just find it frustrating to need something, hunt around for a solitary size (which they usually never have), then to wait in line to see how much damage I do to my bank account. Not my idea of FUN, but that's me. 

For most shopping is a past time, usually enjoyed by friends and family. I guess that is what drives suburban middle schoolers (yes I was one of those once) to walk aimlessly for hours with little more than a twenty in their pockets. As for me, it involves a whole lot of mindless searching racks and racks for that magic code...no not clearance, but that is always welcomed! The code: S 28 Slim. Yes that is me! Small body frame, 28 waist line, and slim legs. This may seem like ideal, but it sucks to go shopping because I rarely find that combo in any outfit. In fact it is so rare, my folks don't even bother buying me clothes for birthdays or Christmas anymore. I guess they find solace in the thought that a gift card gives me the worry and freedom to choose what I want. THANKS! But I recently have been on a rampage looking for pants. Yes, I have embarked on the impossible. It is not so much about style, because I make it up as I go anyway. It is the SIZE! You probably are thinking...then just buy online...but let me tell you something. I have shopped online and it has been a disappointment. When I finally do find my size in pants, depending partly on cost, I buy all the shades, colors, and patterns in that. For example, about 3 years ago Old Navy had a sale on khaki pants. I bought seven pairs of them. Blues, greens, browns, and of course khaki. Now they are all faded and washed out...frankly a bit tired (if you catch my drift). So I have searched other alternatives and branched out to H&M, Uniqlo and Urban Outfitters. First I love all of these shops because they usually have my favorite artists playing in the background, great looking mannequins, and AWESOME prices. Sounds like a Win-Win eh? Well the thing about the style of pants 3 years ago have seemed to have shrunk more and more. Not a huge problem, as I mentioned I'm slim (more like scrawny) but it seems like the more you pay the tighter they are. 

So I have just come to terms with the inevitable. And I have finally become comfortable with the fact that my pants may seem tight, but they are just as tight for the next guy. So please do not ask me "Do you think your pants are a little too tight?"  

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