06 November 2012

I didn't want to do it...but

So I am sure you noticed that I decided not to mention the election. I have been asked nearly 15 times today..."who did you vote for?" And my answer is ALWAYS the same, even for my own parents, "that is confidential!" So even for you my beloved readers it's confidential. But the real question should be "did I vote?" 

***Patriotic Soapbox Warning***

We are so fortunate to live in a country where we are able to actively participate in our government. I know many people who could care less about voting. Trust me I have heard all the arguments: "Its picking the lesser of two evils", "Nothing will actually change", "The electoral college is the real voice", "God's hand is on this"...etc. The fact of the matter is we are privileged enough to be offered a chance to be heard, why not take it. I don't care whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Independent...what have you. It was important enough for people of all races, backgrounds, and creeds to fight for throughout the history of our beloved state. Then why should you jeopardize that for a stupid opinion. Sure I want you to be informed while making these decisions, but please make a decision. The future depends on it!

After a long night of debates, snarky comments, and hapless cheering a victor has been declared! We are moving FORWARD!

05 November 2012


It has certainly been a while, but today has got me itchin and a scratchin to blog. I recently went on a shopping excursion, in order to re-vamp my wardrobe. Anyone who knows me knows this: I rarely go shopping and when I do "I GO BANANAS". This is not to admit to an uninhibited obsession, but a well known fact. I just find it frustrating to need something, hunt around for a solitary size (which they usually never have), then to wait in line to see how much damage I do to my bank account. Not my idea of FUN, but that's me. 

For most shopping is a past time, usually enjoyed by friends and family. I guess that is what drives suburban middle schoolers (yes I was one of those once) to walk aimlessly for hours with little more than a twenty in their pockets. As for me, it involves a whole lot of mindless searching racks and racks for that magic code...no not clearance, but that is always welcomed! The code: S 28 Slim. Yes that is me! Small body frame, 28 waist line, and slim legs. This may seem like ideal, but it sucks to go shopping because I rarely find that combo in any outfit. In fact it is so rare, my folks don't even bother buying me clothes for birthdays or Christmas anymore. I guess they find solace in the thought that a gift card gives me the worry and freedom to choose what I want. THANKS! But I recently have been on a rampage looking for pants. Yes, I have embarked on the impossible. It is not so much about style, because I make it up as I go anyway. It is the SIZE! You probably are thinking...then just buy online...but let me tell you something. I have shopped online and it has been a disappointment. When I finally do find my size in pants, depending partly on cost, I buy all the shades, colors, and patterns in that. For example, about 3 years ago Old Navy had a sale on khaki pants. I bought seven pairs of them. Blues, greens, browns, and of course khaki. Now they are all faded and washed out...frankly a bit tired (if you catch my drift). So I have searched other alternatives and branched out to H&M, Uniqlo and Urban Outfitters. First I love all of these shops because they usually have my favorite artists playing in the background, great looking mannequins, and AWESOME prices. Sounds like a Win-Win eh? Well the thing about the style of pants 3 years ago have seemed to have shrunk more and more. Not a huge problem, as I mentioned I'm slim (more like scrawny) but it seems like the more you pay the tighter they are. 

So I have just come to terms with the inevitable. And I have finally become comfortable with the fact that my pants may seem tight, but they are just as tight for the next guy. So please do not ask me "Do you think your pants are a little too tight?"  

24 July 2012

check this out!

this film literally changed my life...you need to see this PRONTO! (its on Netflix)

its too late for "shoulda, coulda, woulda"

Ok I couldn't spare you too much longer from my random witticisms. but this week I actually had to use it on myself! One of my good friends invited me to a farewell concert of one of his favorite bands. Judd and Maggie, if you were wondering, after 7 years of success in the music industry has decided to pack up and move on. and I know you're probably thinking...ok many groups have done this (think of the spice girls). but this was a brother and sister duo, the fact of the matter is that I was invited to a farewell concert of a group I have never heard of...and I was generally enthused to get away from campus and just hang out with one of my bros. besides that, when he told me it was at Mount St. Mary's, he would drive, and it was FREE...I was even more stoked (#summerbudgetproblems).

you see Mount St. Mary's University was on my original list of seven schools that I had planned to apply to my senior year of high school. since it was all the way in the boonies of Maryland (Emmitsburg to be exact),  I knew my parents would not be enthused to drive to a place in which we already saw an hour video about in the comforts of our own family room. so this was my chance to scope out this awesome place, that I could have wound up at...adventure! needless to say the 4 hour journey there was an adventure in itself. when I arrived at the campus, I was amazed at the sheer beauty and magnitude of such a campus. thinking to myself "where in the world is the nearest bathroom?" in the summer this campus seemed pretty vacant, so it was great time to explore the campus and blend in as true "mountaineers". I was able to see the whole campus, their chapel, residence hall, seminary, student center, cemetery and shrine. (yes you read right, this campus is so large it had its own cemetery). this campus was spectacular so green and complete with a rosary walk. if you don't know what that night be...imagine all the decades of the rosary depicted in the fashion of the stations of the cross in a long walkway in the woods. I just kept thinking to myself "boy! wouldn't it be great to go to a place like this?" imagine this great campus complete with classical looking buildings, spread across the "Mount". WOW! so it was time to find lunch...and what do you know the cafeteria was closed until later in the day so we venture out (10 minute drive) into the town to get a bite to eat...all inclusive with a  McDonald's, Subway, and a charming Italian restaurant...that's all! I must admit not at all what i expected of their college town...but I guess you make do with what you got. to make an incredibly long story short, we get back and the concert was great, I would call it indie, christian music...right up my alley! ;) but I kept thinking to myself, this is their last concert....I bet they're thinking it would not end like this or maybe they're regretting the decisions they made in the past that would amount to this last moment...then it hit me

its too late for shoulda, coulda, woulda! here I am wallowing in the fact that I could have come to this school and had an AMAZING experience, but then I wouldn't be who I am today. honestly, I probably wouldn't be in the seminary, studied my French, had my experiences in NYC, Madrid, Fatima, or Montreal, I wouldn't have made the friends I have or met the people I know and love. things happen in our lives for a reason. sure I regret decisions I have made and the some of the crazy things I've done, but who doesn't. life is meant to be experienced. the past is the past. I don't think things just happen by chance...their is a DIVINE plan for it all. imagine the last 10 years, months, days...where would you be if you changed just a smidge of detail or a conversation or a major decision like choosing one college over another. how life would be different! I don't know where I would be now, if I would be a "mountaineer" and frankly I am glad I made the decision I have. and I think in life we have to accept the cards we have been dealt with and keep moving on. you have to leave your past to the mercy of God and leave your future for the providence of God. "yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift...that's why they call it the present!" LIVE in the NOW, because you only have ONE LIFE TO LIVE!

oh btw Judd is leaving to become a Dominican Friar and Maggie is expecting her first child!

16 July 2012

we are all HYPOCRITES...and we know it!

maybe this comes as a shock to you...but the first step in finding a solution is admitting it! and now you are in denial "No...NOT ME"well I am here to tell you yes, even you! especially when it comes to panhandlers...yes the one on the street in town that you roll your window up to, when you happen to be stuck at the traffic light. am I painting the picture?

well a similar assessment happened yesterday at the parish I work at. it was a seemingly typical Sunday at the church. the a/c was working fine, the homilies were all different according to the style of each priest and deacon, and everything was fine and dandy until after the second mass. as we are processing out and I take my usual spot to greet the parishioners to say "have a nice week...see you next time". I noticed out of the corner of my eye a crowd was stirring outside. I quickly inch myself over in that direction to see what happened, thinking that possibly someone fainted outside or something due to humidity. there are a bunch of ladies huddling around the priest, sort of like a gossip circle and I hear "Father...would you allow this?". a few yards for this choice circle was a woman, clothed entirely in black, with a child helplessly clamped on to her dress. first thought wow, this woman must be insane to wear a black dress in the middle of July...and I look at her face and it is covered (probably to shade from the blistering sun) by a sign that states:

what a great testament of faith. this is what Christ told his disciples, "the poor you will always have with you". We are called to be compassionate and generous people and here we have the ultimate test. directly after the mass many people passed straight by, some stopped to gossip, and some were generous enough to give a little something. I think it was a little off-setting to see, since it is a suburban parish...it is far from any inner-city. NEWSFLASH: poverty is EVERYWHERE, it knows no boundaries! but even within this circle there were advocates and condemners, one lady was adamant about "she is probably an impostor...how did she get here? she must have been driven".  which I agree could have been true, but should that really be a large factor in your generosity. I told her, "yes they may very well be true, but if she is...how sad it is that she would have to degrade herself to that level to get a few bucks...you should give what is on your heart, your conscience to give!" One lady was like, "well I give any chance I get, many are veterans and need help" (as she demonstratively pulled out her $5). Then another was so appalled she brought it up "father would you allow this?" and replied "what would you want me to do, push her and tell her she is not welcomed...that would be totally against the Gospel, what Christ calls us to do!" Once the people from the second mass left, the woman was gone...without a trace. maybe it was Christ? 

well after the third mass, she was there again and this time I saw her arrive...she came in a car and beckoned her "son" to come quick as the mass was nearly over. so she did not even bother to come inside...so I approached her and simply said hello. she was kind and replied in greeting and took her post near the doors. and the same thing happened again only this time....I was prepared! so after the mass again the woman and boy left, no trace. and more cars started to pull up...I'm thinking, you are too late for mass now folks and they were actually arriving from a nearby ATM to give to the woman. how beautiful! for every person who was so busy chastising her for being around, there were double that amount to give. one family asked if she could be added to a parish list for assistance. to make a long story short...in talking to one of the priests, I found out that this woman was actually a gypsy from Romania and this was a time in the area...WHAT A HOAX! so even though this lady was basically a nomadic panhandler and not in any REAL crisis. all this fuss was a great testament of faith and how much we truly LIVE and not just profess. this hearkens directly from scripture:
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. - James 2:14-18
Don't be that guy! LIVE OUT THE GOSPEL!